Entwicklung einer skalierbaren SoC Architektur zur Berechnung von Power Quality Parametern nach IEC-61000-4-30
FuE Programm Informations- und Kommunikationstechnik Bayern
Project Partner
iba AG
The quality of energy supply is a key element of any economy. Disturbances in power grids can affect the quality of production units, for example during welding processes. In worst case, electrical engines can get damaged. Therefore, energy producers and consumers require power quality monitoring devices tracking various parameters to proof that they do not effect disturbances on the grid.
Our goal is to evaluate the hardware requirements for sophisticated algorithms with high amount of measurement points. Dealing with sample rates of up to 400 kHz on 8 Channels brings regular embedded CPU architectures to limit of their performance. Therefore specialized streaming architectures with appropriate hardware modules are research. A highly generic and parameterizable SystemC simulation model is used for structural, timing and accuracy analysis. The knowledge gained leads to an FPGA prototype.